«Electron» corporation enterprises were visited by the delegation of Latvian business circles
05.11.2014 - NewsThe representatives of Latvian business circles visited «Polymer-Electron» plant, «Spheros-Electron» JV and «ElectronMash» plant, where they were acquainted with technological potentials and manufactured production. The visit was organized by Latvian chamber of commerce and industry.
«Electron`s» aid has been delivered to Debalytseve
30.10.2014 - NewsAnother consignment of aid was dispatched by «Electron» workers to supported «Lviv» battalion of a special purpose, which serves in one of the most hot points of ATO zone near Debalytseve of Donetsk Region.
Vitaliy Klychko acquainted with a tram and vehicles of «Electron» Corporation production
06.10.2014 - NewsOn the 5-th of October Kyyv mayor Vitaliy Klychko visited «Electrontrans» Joint Ukrainian-German venture.
«ElectronMash» plant got silver decoration of «Leader of the branch 2014» National business rating
06.10.2014 - NewsAccording to National business-rating our plant got «Leader of the branch 2014» title with presentation of honorary decoration and «silver» certificate for investment attractiveness in the sphere of motor transport means production and for a major contribution to the development of machine building branch and economics of Ukraine, following high standards of social protectability of employees and adoption of a new technology.